Hi Ladies!!
I am so sorry that I had to miss our first meeting!! Me & my Little Guy weren't feeling too great and I didn't want to get anyone sick. We are much better now!!
I heard that the study went really well!
So, I want to know.......... What portion from Chapter one had the biggest impact on you?? I think for me, it was on page 20 when Dr. Leman says, "Don't be afraid to let your kids fail." Wow!! How hard is that?? Why would we want to see our children fail?? At the same time, I am really starting to realize how important this is in our children's development. Part of our job as parents is to prepare our children for the "Real World" and lets face it, failure is a part of it. It may be a hard concept to grasp but, it is one that I am working on understanding better.
I am really excited for next Wednesday!! I have been up to Oak Glen several times but, have never actually done Apple Picking!
We will be doing our Apple Picking at
Rileys at Los Rios Rancho. The Apple Picking stand is across the street from the Main building (gift shop & bakery). Let's all meet up there at 10:00 am. They have apples and raspberries available for picking. The apple prices are: $10 for 5lbs. and $18 for 10 lbs. The lady that I spoke with told me that we don't all have to have our own bag. We can pick apples in groups and split the apples between us. This way we can share the cost too! It's best if you bring cash. If you want to pay with credit card you will need to go across the street to the store and pay before you pick apples. They also have raspberries and they are $5 per pint. They also said that it's best to park your car at the apple Picking stand(it is walking distance from the store but, it's a little dangerous crossing the street with little ones.) I thought maybe after we pick apples we could drive over to the store and have a picnic. If you are interested in that, just bring a lunch and blanket for you and your kiddos. They have a nice grassy area that is perfect for picnics! We might need to pop in the gift shop too! I love that place!! :)
I think that is everything. Please let me know if I forgot anything! Feel free to check out their website for more details!!
If possible, shoot me an email or leave a comment letting me know if you will be joining us. The cell service isn't very good up there and I don't want anyone to be left behind! :)
Hope to see you all on Wednesday!
Have a Blessed weekend!!